Every day, there are lots of little ways you can generate funds for Sagamore Hills by participating in the following loyalty programs:



At Kroger Community Rewards, enroll “Sagamore Hills Elementary School PTA” to receive Community Rewards so your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card sends money to our school!




Present your Publix Partners school card at checkout and earn money for our school. Pick up your free card in the basket in our school office, no activation required. Old cards will still work.


Spirit nights 

Spirit Nights – See the Calendar for details





These programs require no additional out-of-pocket expense to you or your family! The programs operate year-round and anyone can participate. Send this information to your friends, neighbors and family members and encourage them to support your child’s education today!


Help us keep this page up to date and if you find a program is not participating OR know of something we are missing please let us know by emailing fundraising@sagamorehillspta.org.